Here is a menu of all the publications (text, audio and video) available here on
Books by Zingdad
- The Ascension Papers - Book 1 (in paperback and FREE e-book)
Les Papiers de l'Ascension (FREE e-book in French)
Die Aufstiegs-Schriften, Band 1 (FREE e-book in German)
Oppstigningens Papirer, Bok 1 (FREE e-book in Norwegian)
Astu Taivaaseen, 1. Kirja (FREE e-book in Finnish)
Escritos de la Ascension, Libro 1 (FREE e-book in Spanish)
扬升书 (FREE e-book in Chinese)
ניירות ההתעלות מאת זינגדד (FREE e-book in Hebrew)
Kniha_o_povznesení (FREE e-book in Czech)
- Yükseliş_Kayıtları, 1. Kitap (FREE e-book in Turkish)
- The Ascension Papers - Book 2 (work in in progress, early chapters available to read for free)
- The Ascension Papers - Book 3 (work in in progress, early chapters available to read for free)
- Create Yourself; Create Your Life (ebook with guided meditations)
- A Human Body Owners' Manual (work in in progress, early chapters available to read for free)
- Adventures in Soul Re-Integration (work in in progress, early chapters available to read for free)
Books by Other Authors
- Emma's Story - by Emma (FREE e-book)
- The Green Lady - by Lisa Picard (in paperback and FREE e-book)
- The Green Lady, Book II - by Lisa Picard (in paperback and e-book)
- Dear Yoni - by Lisa Picard (in paperback, e-book and FREE audio book)
Multi-Media Seminars
- Dreamer Awake! (read this first!)
- Divine Light Ignite (FREE 30-day meditation Journey)
Guided Mediation Recordings
Please click here for a listing of all my available guided meditation recordings.
The "Adamu Speaks" Video Series
Energy Exchange Cheques
Please click here for information and to download your cheques